Field Office - Home Health Care
Members of the field office consists of skilled practitioners who provide medical care to patients in their homes under the direction of a physician. Home health care services include nursing care; physical, occupational, and speech-language therapy; and medical social services. The goals of home health care services are to help individuals to improve function and live with greater independence; to promote the client’s optimal level of well-being; and to assist the patient to remain at home, avoiding hospitalization or admission to long-term care institutions. Physicians may refer patients for home health care services, or the services may be requested by family members or patients.
Community arm
We have Village Health Teams (VHTs) attached to the hospital. These mobilise and refer clients to the hospital for various services including ART services. They also mobilise for community HTC and SMC outreaches. On a weekly basis we conduct one community outreach to the fisher folk (landing sites). This is supported by PHC
Safe Male Circumcision (for HIV prevention) is also done both at the facility and in the community. Buluba conducts an SMC outreach in form of a camp which runs for five days or as need dictate. The target is for males between 15 and 29 years old. However even those beyond that age can be offered that service. Normally a camp is conducted once in a quarter.